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Stride is a domain specific programming language for real-time sound synthesis and processing. It is a declarative, strongly typed, and compiled language.

There are two main elements in the language: blocks and stream expressions.

A Block is declared through a block declaration. There are many block types in Stride. At declaration, blocks are assigned a unique label. Blocks have ports. The number of ports and their type varies from one block type to another. Ports enable blocks to establishing connections among them. These connections are called streams.

A block’s ports are exposed in two ways: either through a property or through its (the block’s) unique label.

If a port is exposed through a property, a stream is established with it at deceleration by making a property assignment.

If a port is exposed through its block’s label, a stream is established through a stream expression. Stream expressions are established through the stream operator >>.

Blocks in Stride can be bundled together to form block bundles.