is used to import a namespace with an alias.
import Filters as flt
>> flt.Butteworth (
type: 'LowPass'
order: 4
cutoff: 500.
>> AudioOut;
is used to get a value
from a dictionary
using the key
or the key
using the value
dictionary Multiplexer (
key: [ 'One', 'Two', 'Three' ]
value: [ 1, 2, 3 ]
[ SignalOne, SignalTwo, SignalThree ]
>> GetPort ( index: 'Two' from Multiplexer )
>> Output;
dictionary Multiplexer (
key: [ 'Sine', 'Saw', 'Square' ]
value: [ 1, 2, 3 ]
Oscillator (
type : 2 from Multiplexer
>> Output;
import Filters
>> Butteworth (
type: 'LowPass'
order: 4
cutoff: 500.
>> AudioOut;
specifies a port direction. It is passed to the propertDirection
port when declaring a module
. It sets the port as an input port.
See Boolean off
See Boolean on
is also used to specify the targetted hardware.
use PLATFORM version 1.2 on HARDWARE version 1.0
specifies a port direction. It is passed to the propertDirection
port when declaring a module
. It sets the port as an output port.
If a certain property needs to be left unassigned during deceleration the none
keyword is assigned to it. Not all properties can be assigned none
. Consult the documentation of a block for more details.
loads a particular version of a platform or specifies the version of the hardware.
use PLATFORM version 1.2 on HARDWARE version 1.0
is used to specify a configuration file for the hardware.
use PLATFORM version 1.2 on HARDWARE version 1.0 with CONF_48KHz