Let’s generate a sine wave whose frequency changes to a random value between 30 and 1000 Hz every 100 milliseconds for an infinite time and send the signal to audio outputs 1 and 2.
The following code are presented in compact mode.
signal FrequencyValue {
default: 100.0
rate: 10
RandomNumber (
minimum: 30.0
maximum: 1000.0
>> FrequencyValue;
Oscillator (
type: 'Sine'
frequency: FrequencyValue
>> AudioOut[1:2];
What if we want to send different random frequencies to outputs 1 and 2?
signal FrequencyValue [2] {
default: 100.0
rate: 10
RandomNumber (
minimum: 30.0
maximum: 1000.0
>> FrequencyValue;
Oscillator (
type: 'Sine'
frequency: FrequencyValue
>> AudioOut[1:2];
To get more random frequency oscillators on more channels, one could do the following.
constant NumberOfChannels {
value: 4
signal FrequencyValue [NumberOfChannels] {
default: 100.0
rate: 10
RandomNumber (
minimum: 30.0
maximum: 1000.0
>> FrequencyValue;
Oscillator (
type: 'Sine'
frequency: FrequencyValue
>> AudioOut[1:NumberOfChannels];